Member-only story
The Influencers Are Coming For You
I will not be rendered helpless by impunity
I was born in 1978. I am firmly planted in the generational zone that grew up with the transition from analog to digital. I still play mixtapes. On tape. While my LP collection does contain albums I have recently purchased, I still have records from my younger years. I even still own a VCR.
But I am not totally stone-aged. I maintain the required social media accounts. I write on this platform. I watch all of my television through the internet.
However, I am not easily influenced by people I have never met. I do not follow any influencers. I mean, I occasionally catch videos produced by influencers on topics that interest me, but that is about the extent of it.
And I get my news from actual news sources that use crazy tools like research and statistically proven facts.
With such a pervasive onslaught of influencing media — and not just curated images that make people feel like everyone else is living a perfect life (not to diminish the power of that diminishment) — people are buying into what they read without question, if enough of the cool kids are condoning it.
This leads me to wonder about the tangible impact on various aspects of our world.