You bring up some interesting points here. I have been recently working the steps with a sponsor. When we got to the point where I list out "character defects" and "harms" in order to deal with "resentments," I had to explain to this person several things. 1) I have some pretty deep trauma related to the items on these lists and I have been dealing with them for years now, with the help of a therapist. I came to the realization that, while my sponsor has good intentions and is an understanding person, she is not a seasoned therapist and cannot address these issues as such. 2) In light of what I just mentioned, I don't really harbour resentments. I've already worked through that. And people who have mistreated or abused me and are mentally ill are not owed any "amends" for what might be viewed as some form of retaliation on my part. Just some thoughts.